Chimneys are notoriously susceptible to falling into disrepair due to neglect, undiagnosed problems, and environmental changes. While most people look at a dilapidated chimney and shrug their shoulders, the truth is that a chimney that isn’t regularly maintained can have serious, even deadly consequences. 

What chimney issues can cause damaged, dangerous chimneys? A whole host of them, actually. Here are 5 of the most common problems an unmaintained chimney can cause.

☠ Disconnected or loose parts can corrode over time, leading to leakage of carbon monoxide into the home. That’s not something you want your family to be breathing. Ever.

☠ Brick can “spall,” in which moisture seeps into their cracks, freezes, and expands. This can cause the entire chimney to lose its structural integrity, and loosen mortar seals. Not good.

☠ Shifting foundations can degrade the integrity of the chimney’s masonry.

☠ Birds, squirrels, or nests can clog your chimney and create the potential for dangerous drafting issues, which may allow smoke inside your home.

☠ Your fireplace or heating appliance may be causing unwanted degradation or hazards to the chimney.

The good news is, all of these hazards can be prevented if you’re proactive. And it’s easy as getting on the phone (or email) and talking to a trained chimney maintenance professional. Getting your chimney inspected today could really be the difference between life and death.

Got a chimney-related question? Email Joe or call us at 301-593-8393 for a quick consultation!